Rim Trail Domestic Water Improvement District
240 E. Box Elder Lane   Payson, AZ 85541   (928) 472-7585




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 Board News

Board Meeting Notice & Agenda


January 16th, 2025 @ 6 PM

Location: Remote Video Meeting

(Microsoft Teams instructions below)


Board Members         

Chairman: William Regg   

Vice-Chairman: JT Driscoll 

Secretary: John Tanner

Treasurer: Ray Tanner, Jr

Parliamentarian: Jeff Manley


District Management

Dan Utz




1.       Call to Order


2.       Roll Call and Determination of a Quorum of Members Present


3.       Approval of minutes of prior meetings


4.       Reports


  • Treasurer’s report
  • Operator's report


5.       Discuss and Take Possible Action related to:


  • Rim Trail & Belluzzi Repair  
  • Official posting location and update disclosure statement
  • Hiring Update
  • Additional water sources
  • WTK site survey
  • Well #1
  • Tenison water share
  • Water treatment plant
  • SRP Water Rights
  • WIFA Update and Planning
  • Recognition of newly elected Board Members and determination of positions



6.       Call to the Public: For non-agenda items, members of the public may address the Board on any issue within the Board’s jurisdiction. However, under the Arizona Open Meeting Law, the only actions the Directors can take on these issues are: 1) respond to criticism, 2) ask staff to review the mater, or 3) ask that the matter be put on a future agenda.


7.       Call to Staff and Board Members for non-agenda items, updates and recommendations for future meetings.  


8.       Possible Executive Session


9.       Schedule for next Board Meeting 


10.  Adjournment


Join RTDWID Board Meeting


Join Meeting: click here

Link: bit.ly/3X1XHPB

Meeting ID: 276 833 825 245

Passcode: T3yfTN

Dial in by phone: 602-935-4825

Phone conference ID: 229 278 346#



 Shut Off Your Water

There are a couple of reminders to pass on to all our residents. If you plan to be away from your home for long periods of time such as a week or more, you should shut off water to your home by turning off the water using your own shutoff valve.  Our regulations say that you should not be using the District's shutoff inside our District's meter box but your own, separate shutoff in your water line to your cabin.  If you plan to be away for the winter, then we recommend you winterize your cabin by draining the water before the hard winter gets here.  Obviously, this will eliminate finding broken, leaking water pipes in your home when you return in the Spring.


 Paperless Automatic Billing

Rim Trail Domestic Water Improvement District has implemented Automatic Billing for water bills.  Several of you have already enrolled and will begin making direct payments to the District.  This saves time, checks, stamps and the possibility of being late in making a payment on your water bill.

Click here for the application for Automatic Billing.  You can also call Dan Utz at his office and he will walk you through the process of completing the application. Either way you can enjoy the convenience of having your water bill taken care of automatically each month.  If you would like to know more about this program, give Dan a call at (928) 595-0290




Recently, we had two water line breaks that were man-caused. One break was due to someone driving their vehicle too close to one of our Blue Water Line Markers for a water valve box and consequently broke the main water line.  The second break was due to digging without first calling 811.

We realize most of us who have other homes in the valley or moved from the city, expect the water lines to be in the street utility easements.  That is not the case in the Rim Trail Domestic Water Improvement District. The original water lines were installed in the 1950’s and they did not necessarily follow along our roads in Rim Trail. In fact about 25% of our water lines run thru private property.  The water line still has an utility easement, but it goes through some of the properties in our community, instead of along the roads. We will be installing more Blue Water Line Markers in Rim Trail. Then you can see where the water line goes through the properties and avoid hitting any water lines.  Until we can complete this project, the only way to know where the water line is before you dig is to call 811, Arizona Blue Stake. It is also the LAW.



In our District Rules and Regulations document (on our web site) dated January 1, 2007, we require all home owners to have a private shut-off valve on their side of the meter (Paragraph 5.4.B). Customers are not to use the District’s meter as a “turn-on/turn-off device except in the case of emergency” (paragraph 5.2.I).

We realize that many of our homes were built years ago before the idea of having a personal shut-off valve was instituted.  However, the need for this is real; on many occasions if a homeowner had such a valve and used it, it would have prevented major water leaks.  Using our district meter valve to turn on and off your water wears it out and if it fails, we have to shut down the main line to replace it. In addition, there is the issue of backflow, of water either being drained or siphoned from your home if there is a break or leak on the main line.

So to help our homeowners who do not have such a private shut-off valve, please contact Dan Utz, District Manager, (928) 595-0290 so we can work together to get one installed along with a backflow check valve. 


Official Postings of Board Meeting Minutes and Agendas can be found on the bulletin board at the corner of Beluzzi Blvd and Bridge Road. (Right beside the mailboxes). 

Click Here to read the official Posting Location Notice provided to Gila County.


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